Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Teabaggerz read minds

The post below was about a big time blog that can't be bothered with facts, a local blog that will write anything to hit Rep. Giffords and a bunch of twits who will RT (retweet) anything, fact-based or not. One of those twitterers got back to me:

@kennyjacobs Yes, blog did say debates wr nuts; however, I stuck w/ rt b/c only the attendees could make them that way in her mind #tucson

I sent this gentleman a direct message, he chose to "spread the word." What we have here is a person who claims to read minds, doesn't care if Gabby actually said something she was quoted as saying AND wants to make sure lots of people know he did this. So, who is really concerned about lies and the folks who repeat those lies?

This is a succinct explanation of the Tea Baggerz movement.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Real Clear it's Politics

{{w|Gabrielle Giffords}}, U.S. Congresswoman.Image via Wikipedia

Gabrielle Giffords is kinda a big deal. She's a successful Democratic Congresswoman in a red district. She is so successful, in fact, that it's unlikely anyone of consequence will mount a challenge to her in the foreseeable future. None have announced as of now.

While Congress is in session there are often fundraisers back east, and Rep. Giffords was toasted by some good folks back in Delaware including Vice-President Biden. See? She is a big deal! When the VP shows up so do the press. One of the outlets at this event is the opinion blog from right-of-center, Real Clear Politics.

But something must have happened during the translation of the article in Real Clear Politics (RCP) to a Twitter on behalf of the Southern Arizona blog Gila Courier. Gila Courier made it sound like Gabby said something she wasn't quoted as saying. Shocking, right?

Here's the deal, in RCP Gabby is quoted describing the August of Crazy Town Hall fiascoes in Southern Arizona as being "nuts."

Here's the RCP quote:

Giffords referred to the town hall debates of August in her district as "totally nuts."

Here's how it appeared in the Gila Courier's tweet:

At her fundraiser hosted by VP Joe Biden, Giffords says voters "totally nuts." http://bit.ly/kZirw
Mon 21 Sep 20:13 via web

See what they did there? How cute! Gila Courier implied that Giffords thinks the voters are crazy except she didn't say that. How did "Southern Arizona's Leading Conservative Blog" get that so wrong? Could it be that a leading teabagger outfit is so desperate to lay something on Gabby that they made up a quote? Maybe it's simply not being able to read with comprehension? What about all the Twitter teabaggerz who simply RT (retweet) without bothering to read the RCP article in question? It's like they don't care if what they repeat is accurate or not, just so it adds up to what they want to be true. Gosh.

And about that piece in RCP; Rep. Giffords is married to Mark Kelly. He's an astronaut, an active duty naval aviator. His last name is not Giffords as it states in your sorry-ass effort, you big-timey bloggy outfit. Who told you that Congresswoman Giffords' husbands last name is Giffords? Who edited your article? Is there anything is this attempted hit-and-run that is accurate? Ace reporting there, you guys back east are AWESOME!

For those who find this post incredible here are the screen shots:

RCP (with

and the shot of the Gila twot

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Teabaggers can't handle a little dissent

An idiot took up a sign and marched through the Teabaggerz Ball on Saturday, September 12, 2009. Who knew the teabaggerz would try to shut him down just like they tried to shut down town halls during the August of Crazy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

We're Number 37

h/t to Donna at the Diva: http://www.democraticdiva.com/2009/09/14/were-37/

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Gaysong - a Rocky and Balls creation.

Which is More Pathetic? The "Author" or the Post?

A coward ironically named "Veritas Vincit" (truth conquers) puked out some racism this past week. Last Tuesday's ditty was pointed at President Barack Obama's address to school children. Remember? The speech that turned all who watched into godless, commie, fascist, natzi, maoist, chavezista zombies? BTW, the comments on his post are hilarious!

Well, he/she/it means nothing. I just point this out because Shane Wikfors is VV's digital sponsor. Because VV has pushed out so much trash through Shane's portal and because Shane is/was the astro-turf organizer for much of Arizona's shenanigans this summer, I just thought one should point out they have so much in common. That is what I will be doing next.

After all, the people have a right to know AND be heard, right?

But not with Lime

He Should Apologize for the Lousy Apologies

Image via Wikipedia
First things first:

To provide affordable, quality health care for all Americans and reduce the growth in health care spending, and for other purposes.


Nothing in this subtitle shall allow Federal payments for affordability credits on behalf of individuals who are not lawfully present in the United States.

Pretty clear to me, but as the old saw goes, let's walk a mile in Rep. Addison Graves Wilson Jr's shoes:

  • In September 2002, on C-SPAN's Washington Journal, while engaged in a debate on the possibility of going to war in Iraq, Wilson called Congressman Bob Filner (D-California) "viscerally anti-American" and charged that he had a "hatred of America" after Filner suggested the United States supplied chemical and biological weapons to Saddam Hussein. Wilson said later that he didn't intend to insult his colleague.
  • In 2003, following Essie Mae Washington-Williams' revelation that she was the illegitimate daughter of Wilson's former employer, the late Senator Strom Thurmond, Wilson was among those who publicly doubted her claim. Wilson said even if her story was true, she should not have revealed it because "it's a smear" on Thurmond's image was a way to "diminish" Thurmond's legacy.[13] After Thurmond's family acknowledged the truth of Washington-Williams' revelation, Wilson apologized but said that he still thought that she should not have revealed that Thurmond was her father.
  • Wilson is a member of the Southern heritage group, Sons of Confederate Veterans, which favors secession and defends slavery.
  • Wilson went against his own party and voted with seven lone right-wingers to keep the Dixie Rebel flag flying over the South Carolina state capitol building.
  • As a federal lawmaker, Wilson became a member of the House Immigration Reform Caucus (HIRC), a group of (mostly Republican) representatives founded by former Rep. Tom Tancredo (R-CO) with the mission of stopping “the explosive growth in illegal immigration,” “reversing the growth in legal immigration,” and halting “amnesties.”
  • Other notoriously anti-immigrant members of HIRC include Steve King (R-IA), who described immigration as a “slow-motion Holocaust,” and Lamar Smith (R-TX), who equates undocumented immigrants with “terrorist weapons.” HIRC members Rep. Michele Bachmann (R-MN), Rep. Paul Broun (R-GA), Rep. Todd Akin (R-MO), and King all proclaimed that undocumented immigrants would receive health care benefits long before Wilson’s outburst. The two Republican representatives, Rep. Nathan Deal (R-GA) and Rep. Dean Heller (R-NV), who proposed amendments to the House health care bill that would’ve added stringent citizenship verification mechanisms are active members of the HIRC as well. Heller and Deal also lead the fight to overturn the 14th Amendment and end the policy of automatically granting anyone who is born in the country US citizenship. (Addison hangs with the coolest crowd!)
  • Wilson has co-sponsored several pieces of English-only legislation and supported efforts to report undocumented immigrants who seek emergency medical care. In 2006, he declared “it is time to curtail the invasion of illegal aliens.”
It's almost as if he has a professional responsibility to "lose it" when the topic of brown people is being spoken of by all things, a brown person! Unless, of course, this was just performance art, an attempt to bring a little tea party to the Joint Session. By that standard Rep. Wilson was timid. At least he's consistent with the pathetic apologies.

Thanks to La Fronterra Times for some of the items in this post. Photo of Sen. Strom Thurmond.

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What Does a Majority Leader Do?

Image via Wikipedia
Arizona Senate Majority Leader Chuck Gray got all tweety last night during President Obama's address to a joint session of Congress. While I enjoy a good back-and-forth with the best of them, Sen. Gray is not one of the best, at best:

Gov. Brewer vetoes tax repeal. http://ow.ly/oLCV
That's a tweet. His tweet tweeted on Wednesday, September 9, 2009. He's tweeting about Governor Brewer vetoing a tax bill last Friday. Just how far out of the loop is this guy?

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Step Away from the Caffeine

Image via Wikipedia
Over at Arizona's Own Espresso Pundit the often smart but always partisan Greg Patterson is not as smart but very partisan on the topic of Arizona's "Resign to Run" law. My take from about a week ago, ahem, is here. The law in question was passed by voters in 1980 but Patterson makes a bizzare inference:

While the Star and other members of the media believe that the purpose of law is to prevent distraction, the real purpose is to ensure that Joe Arpaio doesn't run for Governor while remaining Sheriff.

Greg finds a way to list several elected officials and some potential race they might engage. OK, big deal. Why not mention Rep. Ray Barnes who actually has filed a Committee a full 600+ days before the General Election? Where's the reference to Sen. John Huppenthal who has bragged about gathering signatures for his next run since April? The truly silly moment of his subpar effort is this:

The Star's editorial board finally acknowledged Godard and Sinema's violations of the law, but used them as an excuse to say that the law isn't working.

No where in the Star editorial do they acknowledge Sinema, Godard or even Goddard broke the law. No where. Patterson sees things where they do not exist. To parse out Greg's words is to engage in the question of what is is. While Greg never passes on an opportunity to bash newspapers (sometimes rightly) he does so with the skill sets of an even less popular profession, a dirty stinkin' lawyer!

Coyote catches Road Runner

What Birthers Believe

Wednesday, September 9, 2009

Ted Kennedy's Letter to President Obama


Office of the Press Secretary



May 12, 2009

Dear Mr. President,

I wanted to write a few final words to you to express my gratitude for your repeated personal kindnesses to me – and one last time, to salute your leadership in giving our country back its future and its truth.

On a personal level, you and Michelle reached out to Vicki, to our family and me in so many different ways. You helped to make these difficult months a happy time in my life.

You also made it a time of hope for me and for our country.

When I thought of all the years, all the battles, and all the memories of my long public life, I felt confident in these closing days that while I will not be there when it happens, you will be the President who at long last signs into law the health care reform that is the great unfinished business of our society. For me, this cause stretched across decades; it has been disappointed, but never finally defeated. It was the cause of my life. And in the past year, the prospect of victory sustained me-and the work of achieving it summoned my energy and determination.

There will be struggles – there always have been – and they are already underway again. But as we moved forward in these months, I learned that you will not yield to calls to retreat - that you will stay with the cause until it is won. I saw your conviction that the time is now and witnessed your unwavering commitment and understanding that health care is a decisive issue for our future prosperity. But you have also reminded all of us that it concerns more than material things; that what we face is above all a moral issue; that at stake are not just the details of policy, but fundamental principles of social justice and the character of our country.

And so because of your vision and resolve, I came to believe that soon, very soon, affordable health coverage will be available to all, in an America where the state of a family’s health will never again depend on the amount of a family’s wealth. And while I will not see the victory, I was able to look forward and know that we will – yes, we will – fulfill the promise of health care in America as a right and not a privilege.

In closing, let me say again how proud I was to be part of your campaign- and proud as well to play a part in the early months of a new era of high purpose and achievement. I entered public life with a young President who inspired a generation and the world. It gives me great hope that as I leave, another young President inspires another generation and once more on America’s behalf inspires the entire world.

So, I wrote this to thank you one last time as a friend- and to stand with you one last time for change and the America we can become.

At the Denver Convention where you were nominated, I said the dream lives on.

And I finished this letter with unshakable faith that the dream will be fulfilled for this generation, and preserved and enlarged for generations to come.

With deep respect and abiding affection,


Monday, September 7, 2009

A poster claiming to be RNC member Bruce Ash posted this on Sonoran Alliance:

Bruce Ash Says:

How ’bout we return to message here for a moment……….

The topic here is NOT Governor Brewer. The issue is freedom and liberty and the attacks to the foundations of our country which Obama and this dangerous “pledge” represents .

Obama’s pledge is a throwback to Joseph Goebbels and Stalin’s guy Mehkil. I said this before the election when I read about people “fainting” at his rallies and watched little kids chanting OBAMA songs like Hitler Youth as their proud parents watched on admiringly.

This man is more about creating the “culture of Obama” than he is about defending and protecting the US Constitution. The symbolism , the art, the writings, comparisons to deity, people referring to him as Barack. All right out of the Hitler,Stalin,Kim Jong Il, Saul Allinsky playbook.

This is America.Not Nazi Germany. We don’t pledge our allegiance to ANY leader. We are citizens of a great republic and not “citizens of the world.” We take a pledge of allegiance to a concept of freedom , to liberty, to support the US Constitution and our American values which are a damn site better than the supposed values of this slick Chicago political thug who has packaged himself to become president ( for a while ) .

Americans were duped by Obama. He took advantage of their fears. Promised them something but took so much else away from them. Any politician can promise to put a few bucks in your pocket. But no one should be fooled about the price to be paid by such sleight of hand.

This president is a dangerous man and the people who surround him are hungry for power . Good people from across our land are telling him they do not agree with the direction our country is going. Oor voice is louder than any microphone Obama controls. We need to keep our message strong.

American is in a fight to regain it’s political balance. We must stay focused. We must continue to speak up and not allow the lies which the Obama crowd play fast and free with to drown out the truth.

If this was the real Brush Ash who posted, let us hope he is getting the mental health care he needs.

Someone claiming to be Bruce Ash wrote this at Sonoran Alliance:

Bruce Ash Says:

How ’bout we return to message here for a moment……….

The topic here is NOT Governor Brewer. The issue is freedom and liberty and the attacks to the foundations of our country which Obama and this dangerous “pledge” represents .

Obama’s pledge is a throwback to Joseph Goebbels and Stalin’s guy Mehkil. I said this before the election when I read about people “fainting” at his rallies and watched little kids chanting OBAMA songs like Hitler Youth as their proud parents watched on admiringly.

This man is more about creating the “culture of Obama” than he is about defending and protecting the US Constitution. The symbolism , the art, the writings, comparisons to deity, people referring to him as Barack. All right out of the Hitler,Stalin,Kim Jong Il, Saul Allinsky playbook.

This is America.Not Nazi Germany. We don’t pledge our allegiance to ANY leader. We are citizens of a great republic and not “citizens of the world.” We take a pledge of allegiance to a concept of freedom , to liberty, to support the US Constitution and our American values which are a damn site better than the supposed values of this slick Chicago political thug who has packaged himself to become president ( for a while ) .

Americans were duped by Obama. He took advantage of their fears. Promised them something but took so much else away from them. Any politician can promise to put a few bucks in your pocket. But no one should be fooled about the price to be paid by such sleight of hand.

This president is a dangerous man and the people who surround him are hungry for power . Good people from across our land are telling him they do not agree with the direction our country is going. Oor voice is louder than any microphone Obama controls. We need to keep our message strong.

American is in a fight to regain it’s political balance. We must stay focused. We must continue to speak up and not allow the lies which the Obama crowd play fast and free with to drown out the truth.

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Is Anybody Listening?

NJ.com has footage of a meeting where the crowd shouted down a wheelchair-bound woman with "two incurable auto-immune diseases" who tried to ask a question.

Committee ID entered: 201000055

Arizona Republican Party Chairman held a press conference asking Attorney General Terry Goddard to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate both Mr. Goddard and Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D-15) for possible violation of the "Resign to Run" law. Here is video provided by the AZ GOP, the content of the video is theirs and theirs alone.

A question about charges Senator John Huppenthal (R-20) apparently engaged in gathering signatures was put to Pullen. Chairman Pullen, who also serves as the Treasurer of the Republican National Committee, seemed to be waiting for the question although his explanation seemed, well, goofy.

The "Resign to Run" law is almost as goofy. For example, Representative Ray Barnes (R-7) has had a Campaign Committee for his district's Senate seat, currently held by Jim Waring since February of this year. The title of this post is his official committee number as assigned by Secretary Ken Bennett. A screen capture of his filing is below:

So, according to Randy Pullen's version of integrity, one can file all the paperwork necessary for a campaign as in Ray Barnes' example, a full 629 days ahead of time, but one must not publicly utter the word "intend" when asked about a future office. In Randy Pullen's world a Facebook fan page is more of an indication of running for office than gathering signatures on a petition.

Of course, the more we speak of this press conference the less we write of Randy Pullen's LD-6 escapade when he attended a meeting of PC's and called out Senator Pamela Gorman for not being loyal enough to his sensibilities.

Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Friday, August 7, 2009

Sonoran Alliance makes Gun Joke in Reference to President Obama

One of the more disturbed persons writing for the blog "Sonoran Alliance," a site suffering from multiple personality disorder, closed a post with this paragraph:

Decision Time … as they say in the marriage vows;  If there’s anyone here that feels this administration’s actions should not be allowed to stand, let them speak now … or forever hold their piece.

Perhaps this was just in poor taste or perhaps someone pried the spell checker from the cowardly Veritas Vincit's cold dead hands? But then in the comments section we get some correction:

  1. False Hope -- Please keep the Change Says:
    August 7th, 2009 at 3:16 pm

    I think you mean “peace.”

    But I would like to forever hold my piece, in spite of laws trying to make that ever more difficult.

No telling which state "False" lives in, but it's obviously not AZ as our gun laws are not “more difficult” but instead have been re-jiggered so you can finger your piece almost anywhere, including bars, you know, so you can impress the chicks! But wait! There's more from our “author”:

  1. Veritas Vincit Says:
    August 7th, 2009 at 3:37 pm

    Hmmm… which is it? Since the word “hold” proceeds it I was inclined to us “piece” since that’s what you can “hold”.

    On the other hand, ‘keep the peace’ seems related to ‘hold your peace’ so perhaps that is correct?

    Is there a non-activist English major in the house?

    False Hope, I too am thinking of ‘holding my piece’. ;-o

Wow! A paranoid grammarian! VV lies, VV blogs, VV believes!

Ladies and gentlemen, I give you the Republican base!

Monday, July 27, 2009

More Batshit Craziness from the "Values Party"

On the occasion of Sarah Palin's actual resignation some dear Republicans provide context to one of the more bizarre events of contemporary American politics:

This poster (possibly from AZ) believes John McCain carried his "home" state solely because of Sarah Palin.

  1. Realist Says:

    Palin throws the liberal media in a tail spin every time she speaks.
    Not surprisingly, the RINO’s also have a fit for she is not an
    establisnment Republican and they detest her social values. Had it not
    been for Palin, I dare say McCain would not have carried a single state
    in last fall’s election
    (emphasis mine). Sarah Palin will be a force to reckon with for
    years to come. God speed to her in her travels around this country.

Apparently Calypso believes McCain is a talented ventriloquist as long as his trousers don't muffle his "voice."

  1. Calypso Says:

    Realist. Palin saved McCain from total devastation. He was the wrong
    man at the wrong time and did more to damage the Republican ticket than
    anyone out there. The majority of Republicans I know finally decided to
    vote because of Sarah Palin. She energized the electorate in a way the
    aging and nasty McCain never was able to do. It showed the total
    disconnect he has with his own party when his “fat-assed” (her words,
    not mine) blasted Palin after the election.
    (again, my emphasis)

And this mental giant thinks citizens from Alaska can run for a Nevada Senate seat.

  1. sherriaz Says:

    I am a big fan of Sarah’s, I don’t see her as the answer to ending
    BHO’s “reign” in 2012. I think that will fall to someone else. I’d like
    to see her in the Senate, replacing that idiot Harry Reid. I think she
    could be a real force for change in the Congress and energize the
    Republican Party.

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Ye Shall Know Them by Their Crazy S*%t Writings

A usually dense writer featured at Sonoran Alliance and other extremist web sites morphed from dense to crazy this week on the topic of the young American soldier who went missing late last month and had video taken by the Taliban released recently.

Ms. Gayle Plato, M. Ed., in the guise of an open letter to President Obama, pealed off a few bon mots:

I will get right to my point. Sir, your decisions astound me. I am in
awe of you. I am in awe of your abject cruelty and disregard for our
people. Every day I see examples of your flippant attitude, and wimpy
reactions to strife.

and more,

Our families are going broke, while you push more taxes. Legislation is
being pushed through without ANY light of day, no debate, and total
secrecy. Where is the transparency sir? I am amazed by your

and yet more,

You are heartless to blatantly party when our men and women in uniform are being held hostage.


But this boy who’s more a man than you, he’s just trying to get home.

ending with,

Mr. President, if you cannot take lead, you must resign. Otherwise, I
can promise you Mr. President, every one us us that’s a mom or dad,
that’s watching you dance, we will remember this horror come election
day. Waffling cowards are not fit to lead the greatest nation on earth.

Ms. Plato publishes under the moniker "Rightwoman." But she can't seem to get right basic facts of the timeline. Commentators take her to task for those errors she never acknowledges. One of the commentators in support of her screed was the owner of the blog, Mr. Shane Wikfors. He calls out "the libs" and then states the soldiers death, if it occurs, would be because of political philosophy!

Shane Wikfors is the Executive Director of Arizona Right to Life so we know how he balances opinion with facts.

Brewer looking to work with Democrats

Unable to get the votes from her own party, Gov. Jan Brewer said Tuesday she's willing to accept demands by Democrats to let the state property tax return in exchange for their votes to put her sales tax hike on the ballot.

I don't see AZ House Democrats rounding up enough votes to pass the Brewer Sales Tax proposal. If the Governor can find the time in her busy schedule to review the Democrat's proposal they may have the start to negotiations. Is it possible that Governor Brewer will have to pull a 'Janet Napolitano' just to get a budget?

Brewer's desire to make a deal with whoever is willing to work with her doesn't stop with the idea of restoring the state property tax. The governor said Tuesday she's even willing to consider an alternate Democratic plan that would raise the extra funds not by raising the tax rate but by instead expanding the list of products and services subject to the tax.

"If they could show me that that would be a benefit to raise the kind of revenue that we need, and that it would be easily understood how it would be incorporated, I'm willing to discuss it,'' she said. "I'm willing to discuss any option to save the future of Arizona.''

full story from the East Valley Tribune

"Just Tax" - HQ Music Video - Lady Gaga Parody

Very little Lady Gaga but a whole lotta Gary Numan and Miami Vice. Is this why Republicans are so wistful for the days of Reagan?

Thursday, July 16, 2009

Former GOP Congressmen Accuse Republicans Of Putting Party Above Constitution

Former Reps. Mickey Edwards (R-Okla.) and Chris Shays (R-Conn.) made the argument that if the Republican-controlled Congress had exhibited greater oversight during former President George W. Bush's time in office, they could have prevented some of the most calamitous results of that administration and even saved thousands of lives.

Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tammy Bruce at the Tucson Tea Party, July 4, 2009, Part 2

Tammy's Tucson rant seems more polished than the Palin implosion but it is stuffed with a whole lot more lies. Tammy hints at guillotines but settles for humiliation as a political goal. Hint: Tammy, humiliation was already achieved, that's why your crew was fired.

Wingnuts Need it Both Ways

Two of the leading lights of right-wing punditry here in Arizona line up against Attorney-General Terry Goddard and for Senator Russell Pearce using the same blunt instrument, law enforcement unions!

In this post from Sonoran Alliance the argument implied and then flat-out spread-out in the comments section is that AG Goddard depends on the opinion of Police union leadership, not rank-and-file officers to back up a position on a concealed weapons law.

Here in the ever enlightened Seeing Red AZ Senator Russell Pearce is backed by Police union leadership in his all important pursuit of brown people as the curse of our state.

So, what's my point? Simply this, wingnuts need an echo (with apologies to Ms. Phylis Schlafly) to feel comforted during their outbursts of, well, nuttiness. When one blip contradicts another twit on the righty radar it should be pointed out. Sonoran Alliance (almost entirely written by anonymous patriots) allows comentors to post in response, Seeing Red AZ has moderated comments limited to cheerleaders and syncophants.

Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) says Earth is 6,000 years old.

We featured this video last week on facebook after dutifully "borrowing" from Arizona Guardian. Looks like it is north of 40,000 hits on YouTube. What say we push it over 100,000 before the end of July?

Monday, July 6, 2009

Coin of the Realm

Taken at face value...sorry, it's hard to imagine a similar image being used today. Not sure if this coin was produced by a civic or government entity. This image is of gay sex and it is on a coin.

Friday, April 24, 2009

Obama's Speech at the U S Holocaust Museum(Part 1)

"To this day, there are those who insist the Holocaust never happened - who perpetrate every form of intolerance — racism, antisemitism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and more — hatred that degrades its victim and diminishes us all. Today, and every day we have an opportunity, as well as an obligation to confront these scourges. To fight the impulse to turn the channel when we see images that disturb us, or wrap ourselves in the false comforts that others' sufferings are not our own..."

Obama's Speech at the U S Holocaust Museum(Part 2)

Bama "To this day, there are those who insist the Holocaust never happened - who perpetrate every form of intolerance — racism, antisemitism, homophobia, xenophobia, sexism, and more — hatred that degrades its victim and diminishes us all. Today, and every day we have an opportunity, as well as an obligation to confront these scourges. To fight the impulse to turn the channel when we see images that disturb us, or wrap ourselves in the false comforts that others' sufferings are not our own..."

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...