Showing posts with label Sinema. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Sinema. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 2, 2009

Committee ID entered: 201000055

Arizona Republican Party Chairman held a press conference asking Attorney General Terry Goddard to appoint a special prosecutor to investigate both Mr. Goddard and Representative Kyrsten Sinema (D-15) for possible violation of the "Resign to Run" law. Here is video provided by the AZ GOP, the content of the video is theirs and theirs alone.

A question about charges Senator John Huppenthal (R-20) apparently engaged in gathering signatures was put to Pullen. Chairman Pullen, who also serves as the Treasurer of the Republican National Committee, seemed to be waiting for the question although his explanation seemed, well, goofy.

The "Resign to Run" law is almost as goofy. For example, Representative Ray Barnes (R-7) has had a Campaign Committee for his district's Senate seat, currently held by Jim Waring since February of this year. The title of this post is his official committee number as assigned by Secretary Ken Bennett. A screen capture of his filing is below:

So, according to Randy Pullen's version of integrity, one can file all the paperwork necessary for a campaign as in Ray Barnes' example, a full 629 days ahead of time, but one must not publicly utter the word "intend" when asked about a future office. In Randy Pullen's world a Facebook fan page is more of an indication of running for office than gathering signatures on a petition.

Of course, the more we speak of this press conference the less we write of Randy Pullen's LD-6 escapade when he attended a meeting of PC's and called out Senator Pamela Gorman for not being loyal enough to his sensibilities.

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...