Friday, March 26, 2010

Music for the Masses

h/t Donna at

Last year's CPAC featured lots of patriotic conservatives making stage entrances to alleged pedophile R. Kelly's "I Believe I Can Fly."

Today the McCain Campaign is teasing the crowd with "A Well Respected Man" from the Kinks just prior to a joint appearance with a leather-clad Sarah Palin.

Cause he gets up in the morning,

And he goes to work at nine,

And he comes back home at five-thirty,

Gets the same train every time.

cause his world is built round punctuality,

It never fails.

And hes oh, so good,

And hes oh, so fine,

And hes oh, so healthy,

In his body and his mind.

Hes a well respected man about town,

Doing the best things so conservatively.

And his mother goes to meetings,

While his father pulls the maid,

And she stirs the tea with councilors,

While discussing foreign trade,

And she passes looks, as well as bills

At every suave young man

Cause hes oh, so good,

And hes oh, so fine,

And hes oh, so healthy,

In his body and his mind.

Hes a well respected man about town,

Doing the best things so conservatively.

And he likes his own backyard,

And he likes his fags the best,

cause hes better than the rest,

And his own sweat smells the best,

And he hopes to grab his fathers loot,

When pater passes on.

Cause hes oh, so good,

And hes oh, so fine,

And hes oh, so healthy,

In his body and his mind.

Hes a well respected man about town,

Doing the best things so conservatively.

And he plays at stocks and shares,

And he goes to the regatta,

And he adores the girl next door,

cause hes dying to get at her,

But his mother knows the best about

The matrimonial stakes.

Cause hes oh, so good,

And hes oh, so fine,

And hes oh, so healthy,

In his body and his mind.

Hes a well respected man about town,

Doing the best things so conservatively.

Maybe someone has read the rumors contained in "Game Change."
Maybe Mark Halperin will stop referring to the event as occurring in "Puma County."  *error corrected at

Weak Tea, part 1

"We're from the Arizona legislature that just reduced your state government by twenty-two percent. Effectively negating the effect [sic] Janet Napolitano had on our budget." - Rep. Vic Williams (R-26) bragging for himself and Sen. Al Melvin (R-26) at the Tucson Tea Party Town Hall, 03/25/2010.

Sen. Melvin on March 16 voted against cutting his Senate salary by five percent

Wednesday, March 17, 2010

Gumbo with a Heap of Irony

The Pima County Young Republicans are having a "New Orleans Style Fundraiser."


Seating is limited, so bring your own rooftop for emergency seating. Potable water will be made available, eventually.

Saturday, March 6, 2010

Where A Conservative Blog Makes a Claim They Cannot Back With Facts

SeeingRedAZ is blog. That means someone or a group of someones use electronic means to comment and then use digital means to distribute those opinions.

Like much of the Far Right, this blog is done anonymously. It is often an echo chamber, wherein the poster makes some far-fetched comment or in-artfully declares what "conservatism" really is or how un-American a political opponent must be and the commenters try to out-do each other in agreement and/or escalation.

In a lexicon they would understand, SeeingRedAZ is comprised of fucktards.

Now these sooooper geeeeeniuses have made this claim, "The soaring national debt is projected to be 90 percent of the economy by 2020." (italics theirs)

So, where is the source for this assertion? Who came up with this huge threat to our nation?

Don't ask SeeingRedAZ, they won't tell you.

What is Jonathan Paton Hiding?

Here is a Boston Globe article by Matt Viser. He wrote up a story about the enthusiasm whipped up by Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts. At a JD Hayworth rally, Jonathan Paton spoke of the victory by the pro-choice, pro-marriage equality Republican Senator as a model for his campaign.

Like any good politician, he made sure the article was put on his campaign website, after all, the Globe is a big timey publication of the east coast elite. His website article is here.

Here's the rub; Paton scrubbed out the reference to JD Hayworth, hmmmm....

Friday, February 26, 2010

The People's Front

When I come across another of the numerous "Tea Party" groups declaring their relative purity in comparison to the other "Tea Party" groups, I think of this scene from Monty Python's "Life of Brian."

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...