Saturday, July 11, 2009

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Tammy Bruce at the Tucson Tea Party, July 4, 2009, Part 2

Tammy's Tucson rant seems more polished than the Palin implosion but it is stuffed with a whole lot more lies. Tammy hints at guillotines but settles for humiliation as a political goal. Hint: Tammy, humiliation was already achieved, that's why your crew was fired.

Wingnuts Need it Both Ways

Two of the leading lights of right-wing punditry here in Arizona line up against Attorney-General Terry Goddard and for Senator Russell Pearce using the same blunt instrument, law enforcement unions!

In this post from Sonoran Alliance the argument implied and then flat-out spread-out in the comments section is that AG Goddard depends on the opinion of Police union leadership, not rank-and-file officers to back up a position on a concealed weapons law.

Here in the ever enlightened Seeing Red AZ Senator Russell Pearce is backed by Police union leadership in his all important pursuit of brown people as the curse of our state.

So, what's my point? Simply this, wingnuts need an echo (with apologies to Ms. Phylis Schlafly) to feel comforted during their outbursts of, well, nuttiness. When one blip contradicts another twit on the righty radar it should be pointed out. Sonoran Alliance (almost entirely written by anonymous patriots) allows comentors to post in response, Seeing Red AZ has moderated comments limited to cheerleaders and syncophants.

Arizona State Senator Sylvia Allen (R) says Earth is 6,000 years old.

We featured this video last week on facebook after dutifully "borrowing" from Arizona Guardian. Looks like it is north of 40,000 hits on YouTube. What say we push it over 100,000 before the end of July?

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...