Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Brock Landers too Radio-Active for RWNJ Host

Hugh Hewitt is coming to AZ to raise dollars for Dr. Gosar (go-czar), David "Mr. Potter pays fifty-cents-a-dollar" Schweikert and Jessssssssssssssssssseeeeee Kelly. Who's missing

Is this a signal the Republican Party is writing off Arizona's Third Congressional District? Where's the unity?

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Lesson in Really Bad Political Ads

If a campaign is going to spend major cash they should get a voice-over actor who doesn't sound like he does porn on the side. Dr. Gosar (go-czar) apparently feels his name recognition is fine in AZ-01 because he never tries to make a positive case for his own campaign. When you stack your ad with some many easily provable untruths and relate only, "I will never walk out on you," you are begging to be answered by your opponent. When the opponent is the incumbent and can outspend you, then all you've done is prove your campaign is badly mismanaged.

Bad ad, bad campaign, and we have no idea what the candidate is like. But on the ad alone I would not want this guys fingers in my mouth, would you?

Thursday, July 29, 2010

A $1.2 Million Dollar Question Begs Almost 1.2 Million More Questions

I don't know if anyone else has written about this so I thought I'd contribute it to the conversation. It seems the Republican Governor's Association decided to drop some coin in Arizona. Under the entity RGA Arizona 2010 PAC (filer ID 201000467) Haley Barbour et. al. have decided to be a player in Arizona. The PAC already pumped $25,000.00 to the Arizona Republican  Party, well over a fourth of their income for the reporting period.

While I'm not shocked the RGA had designs on this race there are some observations that must be shared. Jan Brewer chose the politics of the "Clean Elections" label, along with the public moolah, knowing she would get a butt-load of cash from outside Arizona. What is peculiar is the timing. The RGA by moving the money into the state this early "tipped their hand." There are more questions as well, like how badly did AZGoP need the cash infusion? What did the RGA get for their $10,000 spend on the Colorado firm known as the "illuminati?"

The reason the last question comes to mind, besides why a political firm uses the name "illuminati," is that money was spent during a contested primary. Several candidates were active in the race at that time and the expenditure came not long after Buz Mills dropped some $2 million of his own into the race. Maybe some Republicans would like an answer to my questions as well?

Sunday, July 25, 2010

"MaryVale" and Other Racists

My post about Wercinski opponents was read by some in the Wercinski camp. Now all the comments to the Arizona Republic endorsement all include a disclaimer about not having a preferred candidate in the race. Yup. After being called out for her apparent racism I expected "MaryVale" to at least claim he/she isn't playing by Breibart rules. But he/she didn't:

I guess if you can characterize ten years in the Marine Corps, a Masters in Mechanical Engineering and a Law Degree as shallow, then the way one measures the rest of the world is off kilter too!

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...