Tuesday, May 18, 2010

When One Has Seventeen Loyal Readers, One Must Be Customer Oriented

It has been pointed out that I failed to provided a link to the piece I wrote about Greg Patterson on Monday. Here 'tis!

The Closest Thing to an Espresso Retraction We'll Ever See

Greg Patterson seems to have corrected himself with a post today. Yesterday I showed you his posting that claimed President Obama himself apologized to China for Arizona's SB 1070, the fruit of Senator Russell Pearce's racist agenda.

Opportunist Greg here:

Obama Apologizes to China for Arizona...

Fact checked Patterson here:

China Syndrome

When someone is willing to write anything to make a political and personal attack, he will write absolutely anything indeed. The real question is this, when an actual elected racist gets cover from an actual bigot, what is next from Messrs. Patterson and Pearce?

Monday, May 17, 2010

Espresso Hypocrite

I've pointed out before some "foibles" of Greg Patterson of Espresso Pundit. I showed how he's a bigot. I showed how even though he's the self-appointed pope of newspaper ethics, he is far from infallable. In fact, he fails by his own standards but can't bring himself to acknowledge those errors.

Now he just flat out lies.

No where in an article Mr. Patterson himself uses as an excuse to make a claim does it back his insane claim. No where.

Mr. Patterson, when will you have the standards you demand of others?

Friday, April 23, 2010

Jonathan Paton takes a page from the Karl Rove Cheatbook

It seems Jonathan Paton isn't just picking the pockets of Karl Rove, he is also picking Bush's brain. When a person asked on Paton's Facebook page if Rep. Giffords was supporting a move by Rep. Grijalva to strategically boycott Republican business interests in Arizona, Paton lied:

Vote Jonathan Paton
Her spokeswoman told the Yellow Sheet Report that she didn't have time to say...
about an hour ago
 Here's the screencapture:

Rep. Gifford's stand on a potential boycott has been well known since yesterday. The only explanation for Paton's deliberately misleading someone is that he is bought and paid for by the Bush/Rove machine. Jonathan Paton, with candidates like this, who needs felons?

For Matt & Trey

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Not Ready for Primetime Players, Paton Pending

Friday, April 2 found the four contenders for the Tea Bagger Republican nomination to oppose Rep. Gabrielle Giffords (AZ-8) on Arizona Illustrated, the local "socialized media" outlet of television.

Jonathan Paton, one of the 'Rightastic Four', seems to have acquired a convenient case of amnesia on war strategy and history, his supposed strong points. When asked by host Bill Buckmaster about our effort in Afghanistan, Paton blundered.

[starting at 18:52] JONATHAN PATON: "You can say what you want about the past President (Bush, apparently). He at least listened to the Generals that he talked to. The current President has not listened to what the General wanted."

I guess that's true. Bush listened to his Generals except for General Anthony Zinni. Oh and then there was General Eric Shinseki. But other than those very public examples Paton is good at horseshoes.

Let's be clear because Mr. Paton will not; on Friday evening Jonathan Paton endorsed  an open-ended commitment to the notoriously corrupt government of President Hamid Karzai. Additionally, Mr. Paton shamelessly pandered to the so-called tea party movements when he questioned the prerogative of President Barack Obama as Commander-in-Chief to set our nation's foreign policy during a time of war.

Mr. Paton's pander routine would be the most shameful in Arizona if it weren't for Sen. John McCain's self-immolation. Coincidentally, Mr. Paton has endorsed McCain for re-election against tea party favorite, JD Hayworth.

Maybe it's time for Paton to step out of McCain's shadow of desperation. May I suggest addressing the question "Do you support the effort to repeal the military policy known as Don't ask, don't tell?" I believe it should be debated in the Republican primary and I think Mr. Paton's Director of Communications, Daniel Scarpinato should write up Mr. Paton's debate notes. After all, having a Communication's Director who works the closet door like a Geisha works a fan might be the only way Paton can show McCain just how 'Mavericky' he really is.

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...