Saturday, March 6, 2010

What is Jonathan Paton Hiding?

Here is a Boston Globe article by Matt Viser. He wrote up a story about the enthusiasm whipped up by Scott Brown's victory in Massachusetts. At a JD Hayworth rally, Jonathan Paton spoke of the victory by the pro-choice, pro-marriage equality Republican Senator as a model for his campaign.

Like any good politician, he made sure the article was put on his campaign website, after all, the Globe is a big timey publication of the east coast elite. His website article is here.

Here's the rub; Paton scrubbed out the reference to JD Hayworth, hmmmm....

Friday, February 26, 2010

The People's Front

When I come across another of the numerous "Tea Party" groups declaring their relative purity in comparison to the other "Tea Party" groups, I think of this scene from Monty Python's "Life of Brian."

Sunday, January 10, 2010

Because It's as Plain as the Nose on His Face

Because rasism is wrong.

Because Democrats have been relentless (and rightfully so) in calling
out rasists in the Republican party.

Because pieces of the Republican party animate themselves with racism
(eyes on tea baggers).

Because we are about to begin debate on what our nation is to do about
immigration and the millions who entered this country illegally.

Because this is a clear instance when principle should triumph over power.

Senator Harry Reid must resign as Majority-leader immediately.

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Ken Jacobs

"The strongest democracies flourish from frequent and lively debate,
but they endure when people of every background and belief find a way
to set aside smaller differences in service of a greater purpose."


Monday, January 4, 2010

Happy New Lie Year

My favorite fake patriot at Gila Courier pulled another doozy over the holidays. In the comments of a piece ostensibly about Rio Nuevo, 'Ryan' got backed into a rhetorical corner on the definition of Transaction Privilege Tax as it pertains to a Tax Increment Finance district. Instead of saying something like, "my bad," or "I see your point," 'Ryan went to his/her/their old standby. It lied.

'Ryan,' when you place your answer in quotation marks it is customary to include the entire sentence or an ellipsis to indicate more text remains. Simply ending a quote at the point where you get the answer you need and ignoring the fact the entire sentence actually proves YOU are wrong only clears up one issue. You are an asshat.

Note to Humberto Lopez: keep your lawyers close at hand, the crooked crowd at Gila Courier will do anything to get their way, especially with your money.

The Republican 'Death Tax'

Image via Wikipedia
I had a strangely emotional reaction to this story from the Arizona Republic. Here's the short version; woman loves Arizona parks, woman dies, woman leaves $250,000 to said parks, Republicans spit on her remains.

The legislature goes back into session on January 11. On that day, various Republicans will decry taxation of all forms. When will somebody show Arizona voters how much fees and taxes at all levels of Arizona governance have gone up due the decisions of the Republican-controlled legislature?

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Saturday, December 26, 2009

شب عاشورا، حمله به سخنرانی خاتمی در جماران

This is very disturbing video. Much of what is going on requires more context than I can provide. Here are my questions:
1. When/where does this video occur?
2. Translate please?
3. What is chanted just after the 2:05 mark?
4. What is chanted just after the 3:03 mark?
5. How did this much video of this quality make it out of Iran at this time?
6. (an odd question just for me) Why does the camera operator constantly and repeatedly go back to the the double doors with glass panes? This seems an odd preoccupation when the former Prime Minister is speaking and the remark are supposedly broken up by "thugs."

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...