Friday, October 2, 2009

"Americans" for Prosperity, Theirs

Congresswoman Foxx talks about the need for he...Image by Rep. Virginia Foxx via Flickr

The folks dispensing petro-dollars to Tom Jenney and Shane Wikfors to whip up despair and misinformation on health care reform here in Arizona (just wait for the Energy bill!) were having a little conference in Virginia (very un-DC) when news of America's Olympic bid broke. Here's what those teabagging patriots did in reaction:

Next time a teabagger tells you she is fighting to get her country back ask her, 'which country?' It's almost as if they have seceded from the United States in their mind.
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Not to put too Fine a Point on this, but...

Image via Wikipedia
A relatively obnoxious blog posted photo copies of some alleged travel documents for one Charles Jensen. Mr. Jensen's name purportedly appeared on a list of clients for an escort service. Mr. Jensen claims he was out of town on the dates listed for "service" and believes a tenant of his may have been the actual "john." Obnoxious blog goes on to take a whack at Brett "vroom vroom" Mecum, Executive Director of the Arizona Republican Party and uses the opportunity to allege Mr. Mecum is not always a gentleman and sometimes a cad.

Good times.

When the other side is eating its' own my rule is to get out of the way but I have another rule that overrides in just such a case. My, "if a Republican uses the words 'CASE CLOSED' in capital letters there's probably more 'splaining to do, rule.

This is what I think; the documents supplied by Mr. Jensen (via that obnoxious blog) do not prove he was out of town on the days corresponding to the "Desert Divas" list. They prove his credit card was out-of-town but not necessarily Mr. Jensen. Mr. Jensen would do well to supply boarding passes that show he checked in for his flights or better, a copy of his frequent flier account statement that proves his non-prostitute needing body was on those flights and not, perhaps, "ordering in." One other question, do any of the "Desert Divas" records show the use of Pay-Pal for services rendered?

Just saying.

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Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Gila Courier Seeks Integrity

Artis struisvogel leest krant van oppasser / O...Image by Nationaal Archief via Flickr

The folks who brought you a misreading due to stupidity or dishonesty (take your pick) of a post at RealClearPolitics seem to be backing away. Today the Gila Courier posted a piece about the Giffords fundraiser attended by VP Biden. No where in the article do they make the assertion that they boldly made in a tweet last night.

I guess their goal was accomplished. Some twits retweeted Gila Courier's lie and now they don't have the integrity to pull it back or apologize.
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Teabaggerz read minds

The post below was about a big time blog that can't be bothered with facts, a local blog that will write anything to hit Rep. Giffords and a bunch of twits who will RT (retweet) anything, fact-based or not. One of those twitterers got back to me:

@kennyjacobs Yes, blog did say debates wr nuts; however, I stuck w/ rt b/c only the attendees could make them that way in her mind #tucson

I sent this gentleman a direct message, he chose to "spread the word." What we have here is a person who claims to read minds, doesn't care if Gabby actually said something she was quoted as saying AND wants to make sure lots of people know he did this. So, who is really concerned about lies and the folks who repeat those lies?

This is a succinct explanation of the Tea Baggerz movement.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Real Clear it's Politics

{{w|Gabrielle Giffords}}, U.S. Congresswoman.Image via Wikipedia

Gabrielle Giffords is kinda a big deal. She's a successful Democratic Congresswoman in a red district. She is so successful, in fact, that it's unlikely anyone of consequence will mount a challenge to her in the foreseeable future. None have announced as of now.

While Congress is in session there are often fundraisers back east, and Rep. Giffords was toasted by some good folks back in Delaware including Vice-President Biden. See? She is a big deal! When the VP shows up so do the press. One of the outlets at this event is the opinion blog from right-of-center, Real Clear Politics.

But something must have happened during the translation of the article in Real Clear Politics (RCP) to a Twitter on behalf of the Southern Arizona blog Gila Courier. Gila Courier made it sound like Gabby said something she wasn't quoted as saying. Shocking, right?

Here's the deal, in RCP Gabby is quoted describing the August of Crazy Town Hall fiascoes in Southern Arizona as being "nuts."

Here's the RCP quote:

Giffords referred to the town hall debates of August in her district as "totally nuts."

Here's how it appeared in the Gila Courier's tweet:

At her fundraiser hosted by VP Joe Biden, Giffords says voters "totally nuts."
Mon 21 Sep 20:13 via web

See what they did there? How cute! Gila Courier implied that Giffords thinks the voters are crazy except she didn't say that. How did "Southern Arizona's Leading Conservative Blog" get that so wrong? Could it be that a leading teabagger outfit is so desperate to lay something on Gabby that they made up a quote? Maybe it's simply not being able to read with comprehension? What about all the Twitter teabaggerz who simply RT (retweet) without bothering to read the RCP article in question? It's like they don't care if what they repeat is accurate or not, just so it adds up to what they want to be true. Gosh.

And about that piece in RCP; Rep. Giffords is married to Mark Kelly. He's an astronaut, an active duty naval aviator. His last name is not Giffords as it states in your sorry-ass effort, you big-timey bloggy outfit. Who told you that Congresswoman Giffords' husbands last name is Giffords? Who edited your article? Is there anything is this attempted hit-and-run that is accurate? Ace reporting there, you guys back east are AWESOME!

For those who find this post incredible here are the screen shots:

RCP (with

and the shot of the Gila twot

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Tuesday, September 15, 2009

Teabaggers can't handle a little dissent

An idiot took up a sign and marched through the Teabaggerz Ball on Saturday, September 12, 2009. Who knew the teabaggerz would try to shut him down just like they tried to shut down town halls during the August of Crazy.

Monday, September 14, 2009

We're Number 37

h/t to Donna at the Diva:

Sunday Fun day Activities

 Polls in Germany close at 9:00 AM Tucson time. Sipping a Kaffee watching these results come in. Also, the Swiss (!) are voting on a marria...